The draft LP A/ND Manifesto Has Successfully Launched!

Everyone was invited to attend the Launch of our Labour Party Autism / Neurodiversity Manifesto, held at Black-e arts centre in Liverpool on Wednesday, 28th September 2016.

Goodness, so many of you took us up!  A fantastic large number of people came along & actively participated in this opening event, so thank you.

John McDonnell (Shadow Chancellor) formally opened proceedings along with members of the Manifesto  Steering Committee.

John has already given us,the Steering Committee, the green light to scope out the draft  Manifesto now take it to the membership over a period of months – to engage and with member insights enable further drafting- with the intention of

This is the start of an ambitious process to include everyone in all areas of life: education, employment, justice system, housing, social care and politics.

We are all neurodiverse – and many of us ( including all of the Steering Committee) are Neurodivergent: we think differently and learn differently – but not less.

For so long, those not on the Spectrum have been alone in making laws and life-changing decisions about Neurodivergent people. Now we need to be at the centre of the process too.

There needs to be no more ‘them’ & ‘us’ but a new inclusive approach (with joined-up thinking) which places good practice for all at the heart of Government and Society.

We say: Let us all move forward together – there should be nothing about us without us!

Neurodivergent and Proud 😀

Build from our strengths, from needs and preferences – from good practice in every aspect of all our lives: what is good practice for us is usually advantageous for all.

Hopefully some video clips will successfully post shortly…





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